Benefits of Red Rice

Are you looking for a healthier alternative to white rice in your favourite rice dishes? Your search ends at red rice. That’s because this wholesome grain is nothing less than a nutritional powerhouse, offering a spectrum of health benefits along with a delicious taste. This rice variety originates from Asia and has a distinct flavour and nutrition profile. Let’s shed some light on the red rice benefits and what makes it a valuable addition to your diet.

Nutrition Value of Red Rice

Red rice stands out for its impressive nutritional profile that contributes to your overall wellness. Here’s a brief breakdown explaining the nutritional value of red rice per 100g:

Nutritional components

Nutrition Value per 100 g


356 kCal 

Dietary Fibre 

11.10 grams


1.11 mg


8.89 grams


3.33 grams


67 mg


30 mg


156 mg

Apart from this, red rice also consists of antioxidants, minerals, essential vitamins, complex carbohydrates and much more. Learn more advantages of red rice in detail below.

8 Benefits of Red Rice

Whether you enjoy them as boiled rice or use them in salads or side dishes, red rice are a wholesome addition and alternative to some other rice varieties.

1. Aids in Digestion
2. Boosts Immunity
3. May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
4. Helps Lower Cholesterol
5. Good for Bone Health
6. Helps Fight Against Asthma
7. Improves Skin Health
8. May Help Control Diabetes

    1. Aids in Digestion

    One of the biggest advantages of red rice is that it is easy to digest and prevents constipation and some other digestive issues. This rice variety helps drain out harmful toxins from your body and promotes a healthy gut. You can also experience red rice benefits for weight loss as it helps you stay satiated for longer and not overeat. 

    2. Boosts Immunity

    Adding red rice to your diet is an excellent way to boost your immune function and build your body’s defences against infections and illnesses. A robust immune system is the key to living a healthier life and boosting immunity is the most significant benefit of red rice.

    3. May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

    Due to its rich nutritional profile, red rice may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve overall heart health. Thus, it is a healthier alternative for people suffering from heart problems.

    4. Helps Lower Cholesterol

    Did you know that the antioxidants and fibre content present in red rice also help lower cholesterol levels? Why yes! The antioxidants and fibre present in red rice are excellent in lowering the cholesterol levels that are responsible for many health issues.

    5. Good for Bone Health

    Some of the essential nutrients present in red rice such as magnesium and phosphorus are extremely beneficial for your bone health. Thus, if you are someone who is suffering from bone-related problems or has a lower bone density, red rice can be extremely helpful.

    6. Helps Fight Against Asthma

    A lesser-known benefit of red rice is that it can help you maintain normal breathing patterns and control pulmonary diseases. Regularly consuming this nutritious rice variant can improve oxygen circulation in the body and prevent breathing conditions like asthma.

    7. Improves Skin Health

    If you wish to get glowing skin, red rice can be your biggest ally. This is because red rice contains anthocyanin, a natural antioxidant that can help you get soft and supple skin. What’s more, it also helps produce red blood cells that are responsible for keeping the skin healthy and slowing down the process of premature ageing. Thus, the red rice benefits for skin are something you cannot ignore.

    8. May Help Control Diabetes

    Since red rice has a lower glycemic index, it is a better choice for people suffering from diabetes. It can help regulate their blood sugar levels and manage the condition a little better. Thus, it is a healthier alternative to white rice and more suitable for people with an abnormal blood sugar level. Try red rice for diabetes and leverage the benefits of this wholesome grain.

    Side Effects of Red Rice

    As with any other food, it is important to ensure that you consume the right amount of red rice to harness the red rice health benefits. This is because moderation is key to preventing any possible side effects. You must follow a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes. Furthermore, people who have certain allergies and health issues must take precautions and consult their doctor before switching to red rice.

    The Takeaway

    From better digestive health to improved skin and bones, open the door to a world of nutritional benefits by adding red rice to your diet. Revel in the nutty flavour, vibrant hue and nutrition of this rice variety and add them to your culinary delights. Shop for organic red rice and more mindful eating options at Amala Earth, your one-stop destination for all things earth-friendly.

    FAQs on Red Rice Benefits

    Is it good to eat red rice every day?

    Adding red rice to your daily diet can be a healthy choice that provides ample nutrition. However, it is important to practice moderation and maintain a balanced diet that provides you with sustained energy and nutritional balance.

    What is the disadvantage of red rice?

    Apart from the many red rice benefits, there can also be some disadvantages and side effects of red rice, such as increased liver enzymes or an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before replacing white rice with red rice in your diet.

    Is red rice good for belly fat?

    Since red rice is a whole grain, it is a healthier option for weight management and to reduce belly fat. The high fibre content and lower glycemic index in red rice helps you feel full and control your appetite to prevent overeating. 

    Does red rice have sugar?

    Yes, red rice contains natural sugars as well as many nutrients and dietary fibre that promote a healthy release of energy. However, red rice doesn’t contain any added sugar. Thus, it is a healthy grain option for most people.

    What are the different types of red rice?

    There are different types of red rice with their own unique characteristics. Some varieties include Kerala Matta Rice, Bhutanese Red Rice, West African Rice, Thai Red Cargo Rice, and Konkan Red Rice. These varieties differ in taste, texture and their nutrition profile.