Health Benefits of Kodo Millet

If you are on a quest for wholesome nutrition, one ancient grain that must be in your arsenal is Kodo millet. This magical grain has been cultivated in India for the past 3000 years and is making a comeback into modern kitchens. Let’s explore the benefits of kodo millet and discover its versatility and nutritional value in depth.

What is Kodo Millet?

Kodo millet, scientifically known as Paspalum scrobiculate, is a drought-tolerant grain that has been a part of the staple diet in various traditions for centuries. Some other common names for this millet include Varagu arisiKodo dhana, Kodon, Kodro and Harka. One reason the grain is gaining popularity is that it is an excellent substitute for both wheat and white rice. Read further to learn about the kodo millet nutrition value, advantages and uses in depth.

Kodo Millet Nutrition Value

Varagu or kodo millet
(Image: Varagu rice or Kodo millet)

Packed with the goodness of protein, fibre, iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals, the benefits of varagu millet make it an excellent ally in your journey towards overall wellness. We have broken down the nutritional elements that you can find and harness by adding kodo millet to your diet.

Varagu Nutritional Value per 100 g


Quantity per 100 g


10.6 g


4.2 g


0.5 mg


10.2 g


346 kcal


59.2 g


4.4 g


27 mg


188 mg 

7 Kodo Millet Benefits You Should Know

Whether you wish to lose weight, keep your gut healthy, control your blood sugar or fight some chronic ailments, kodo millets can be your best friend. Here are some of the major advantages of kodo millet that make them worth your time.

1. Aids in Weight Loss
2. Keeps the Heart Healthy
3. Helps Heal Wounds
4. May Help Control Diabetes
5. Keeps the Gut Healthy
6. May Help Fight Chronic Ailments
7. Improves Bone Health

    1. Aids in Weight Loss

    If you want to try a grain that helps in digestion and promotes a healthy gut, add kodo millet to your diet. This grain helps you feel satiated for long and prevents the need to overeat and helps in weight loss.

    2. Keeps the Heart Healthy

    The low cholesterol levels and high magnesium content of kodo milet benefits the heart by regulating blood pressure. Thus, by regularly consuming varagu arisi, you can keep the vital organ healthy and lower the risk of heart problems.

    3. Helps Heal Wounds

    Did you know that the essential nutrients present in kodo millets can help heal wounds? Why yes! The nutritional profile of this wholesome millet can help accelerate the healing process and recover wounds.

    4. May Help Control Diabetes

    The low glycemic index is also extremely beneficial in managing diabetes and regulating the blood sugar. This makes kodo millet a favourable choice for people suffering from abnormal sugar levels.

    5. Keeps the Gut Healthy

    Another kodo millet health benefit is that it is promotes a healthy gut and prevents constipation and more digestive issues. Thus, to have a well-functioning and healthy gut, you can add this miracle grain to your diet.

    6. May Help Fight Chronic Ailments

    The rich variety of nutrients and antioxidants present in Kodo millet benefits your overall health and may play a role in fighting off chronic ailments. In fact, some studies have suggested that this grain can help fight against certain cancers by fighting against free radicals that cause cell damage.

    7. Improves Bone Health

    The calcium and phosphorus content present in kodo millet benefits your bones and helps support healthier bone health. This makes it a valuable addition to diets aimed at enhancing bone density.

    How to Add Kodo Millets to Your Diet?

    Varagu rice

    There is a common misconception that millets are hard to cook and take a long time. However, there are some simple recipes and ways to add them to your diet. Here are some easy kodo millet dishes that you can prepare without too much effort:

    • Kodo Millet Dosa: Kodo millet can be an excellent addition to your breakfast and a simple dish to incorporate it is a dosa. You can make a flour with kodo millet and let it ferment to cook think and crispy dosas.
    • Kodo Millet Porridge or Pulao: Here’s another simple dish to harness the benefits of kodo millets. Prepare a hearty poha or pulao that is extremely comforting and add vegetables and spices as per your preference.
    • Baked Goods: You can even incorporate this healthy grain into some baked goods like muffins, breads and cookies to make them nutritious.

    The Takeaway

    Witness the transformative benefits of kodo millets by adding this ancient grain to your diet. Add them to your culinary delights to embark on a journey towards holistic wellness. Embrace the versatility of kodo millets and shop for this grain along with many other mindful eating options at Amala Earth, your one-stop marketplace for all things earth-friendly.

    FAQs on Kodo Millet Benefits

    Can we eat Kodo millet daily?

    Yes, you can add kodo millet to your every day diet as it offers a whole range of health benefits. It is important to ensure that you maintain a balanced diet that also contains other essential ingredients and food groups.

    Is Kodo millet better than rice?

    Kodo millet is rich in fibre and protein, which makes it a healthier alternative to white rice. Apart from this, kodo millet has a lower glycemic index which means it has a lower impact on blood sugar levels and can be a better choice for people with abnormal blood sugar levels.

    Does Kodo millet have protein?

    Yes, kodo millet contains protein as well as essential amino acids that make it a valuable addition to a vegetarian or plant-based diet. Thus, adding this millet to your meals can help maintain a balanced diet and support muscle health and repair.

    What are the Kodo millet benefits and side effects?

    There are many kodo millet benefits for weight loss, managing blood sugar, improving bone health, keeping the gut healthy and more. On the other hand, there are a few side effects of kodo millets that include allergic reactions in certain individuals and nutritional imbalances due to overconsumption.