Make Your Child Experience The Joy Of Gardening

As parents, one might be worried about their child’s holistic development and screen involvement. With spring almost here, it is the best time to indulge your kids in outdoor activities, one of them being gardening. Children can benefit a lot while being outdoors. You can involve them in various activities such as planting a seed, watering the plants, taking care of the garden, and much more.

There are endless benefits of gardening for children, apart from being able to spend time outdoors and reducing screen time. They will learn to have patience, discipline, take ownership, and more. Gardening has become more interesting and creative with innovative products. You get plantable stationery that kids can use and later plant in the garden.  

Let’s explore some of these things in this article today.

Gardening And DIY Products

If you want to instil the importance of greenery and clean air in your kids, gardening is a perfect way to do so. You can explore a lot of DIY planters and gardening kits for your kids on Amala Earth. Here are a few items for your reference:

Plantable Stationery

Teaching planting seeds and weeding to your kids can be creative using plantable stationeries. You can buy plantable seed pencils, sheets, diaries, pens and more. Let your kids use this stationery, and once they are finished, ask your child to sow them in the soil. It will teach them the concept of reusing and recycling and make them more responsible towards nature.

DIY Kits

If you are into gardening and know the basics, you can check out the DIY flower, all-green and micro-green kits. These kits include seeds, biodegradable pots, vermicompost, and more. Using these kits is one of the easiest ways of teaching your kids how to grow plants and vegetables at home. Plus, it is fun and will keep your kids engaged for a long time.

Gift Hampers

This year change the birthday return gift trend by gifting plantable and eco-friendly gift hampers for your kids and their friends. Let them use eco-friendly products free from chemicals and teach them to adapt to a sustainable lifestyle. These gift boxes contain plantable pens, pencils, diaries, and seed balls. 


Pots And Seed Balls

When offering everything eco-friendly to your kids, you can also give them geo-fabric pots to grow their plants. These pots have natural air pruning, are breathable, and consume less water. With the pot, give your child a pack of 7 plantable seeds bags that contain a mix of fruits, vegetables and flower seed balls. Let your child sow and watch how a tiny seed converts into a big plant with love and effort.

Other Gardening Items

You can also create an open garden if you have ample space for it or a balcony. It is advised to involve your kids in choosing which all plants they want to grow. Allow them to choose what you can keep in your small garden to make it look more attractive. You can ask your kids to create and design bird feeders or help them choose a colourful and vibrant one online. This involvement will enhance their curiosity to learn and discover new things around them.

Tips On Home Gardening

Home gardening can be fun and a great way of keeping your kid screen-free. Since it is not a one-time activity, they will need to devote more time. Below are a few tips that can come in handy while you start to design your garden at home:

  1. Always read the sowing instructions on the box or the packet.
  2. Whenever your kids plan to sow the seeds, ask them to use plant sprays to water until they see small leaves growing out.
  3. Never over or under-water the plant; it will impact its growing speed.
  4. Check which plants need to be kept in direct sunlight or not. It is advised to place them accordingly for correct growth.

Bottom Line

Letting your kids plant and grow their flowers and vegetables is an excellent way of bringing them close to nature. You can give students plantable pencils or a journal diary with plantable pens as a  vacation gift to get started. You can purchase all the above items on Amala Earth and let your child experience the joy of planting.