Kashmiri Kahwa

From enhancing digestion to boosting immunity, kahwa tea is a treasure trove of health benefits. This traditional and aromatic beverage is a staple in Kashmir, the land blessed with the best nature has to offer.

This magic elixir has been cherished for centuries for the world of health benefits it offers. Let’s discover the benefits of kahwa tea that make it the perfect winter companion in this blog.

What is Kahwa Tea?

Kahwa or detox tea is a traditional Indian beverage that originates from the valley of Kashmir. It is an aromatic drink that is brewed by blending green tea leaves with a combination of local spices and herbs like saffron, cinnamon bark, green cardamom pods and even dry fruits. This traditional beverage is not only cherished for its delightful flavour profile and warming properties but also for its potential health benefits mentioned below.

6 Health Benefits of Kashmiri Kahwa

Kahwa tea or Kashmiri Kahwa is a traditional herbal tea that is popularly consumed in different parts of the country. It has gained immense popularity thanks to its robust flavours and wealth of kahwa tea benefits that include the following:

  • Immunity Boosting
  • Good for Digestion
  • Weight Management
  • Detoxification
  • Energy Boost
  • Stress-relief

1. Immunity Boosting

Here’s a fact. Kahwa tea is an excellent source of natural antioxidants. This is due to the natural ingredients such as saffron and cardamom. Antioxidants play a pivotal role in warding off infections and illnesses during the winter season.

2. Good for Digestion 

The combination of green tea with spices like saffron, cardamom and cloves makes kahwa tea beneficial for digestion. It helps keep bloating away and soothes your stomach after a hearty meal. Thus, kahwa tea is an effective way to aid your digestion during the cold months.

3. Detoxification

Did you know that the kashmiri kahwa tea is believed to be the reason for the glowing skin of people from Kashmir? This is because the benefits of kahwa tea include curing skin issues like acne, dryness and redness. And by drinking this detox tea regularly, you can achieve a balanced moisture content of the skin and better overall skin texture.

4. Weight Management

If you are on a journey to shed some weight and feel healthier, kahwa tea can be your perfect companion. This is because the spices mixed with green tea are helpful in regulating your blood sugar as well as reducing cravings.

5. Energy Boost

The moderate caffeine content in the kashmir kahwa benefits the system by enhancing your energy levels. The boost of energy makes it extremely useful when you are feeling lazy and struggling to complete some tasks. Thus, it can be a go-to drink during the winter season when you don’t feel like getting out of bed due to the cold.

6. Stress Relief

It is recommended to have a warm cup of kashmiri kahwa tea at the end of a stressful day. Why? Because it can help reduce anxiety and relieve stress. Moreover, the boost of energy also reduces muscle tension to make you feel more relaxed and produce happy neurotransmitters in the brain.

How to Make Kashmiri Kahwa Tea?

Now that you are familiar with the benefits of kashmiri kahwa, let’s learn how to brew it in a few simple steps. Go through the list of kashmiri kahwa tea ingredients provided below to know what you need to brew you perfect morning cup of kahwa tea.

Kashmiri Kahwa Ingredients:

  • Green tea leaves
  • Saffron strands
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Green cardamom pods
  • Cloves
  • Water
  • Sweetener (optional): Honey or sugar

Steps to Make Kashmiri Kahwa Tea

Step 1: Boil two cups of water in a pan and add the green tea leaves and a variety of spices to give it aroma and flavour.

Step 2: Let the tea simmer for 5 to 10 minutes on a low flame to infuse the flavours of the tea.

Step 3: Add a natural sweetener like honey if you want a sweeter flavour in your kahwa tea.

Step 4: Strain the kahwa tea into a cup and serve it hot.

The Takeaway

You can experience the wonders of Kashmir and sip your way to better health with Kashmiri kahwa tea. This delightful brew not only provides a wealth of health benefits but also helps you stay warm and cosy during the colder months.

Discover the soothing blend of health and tradition with herbal teas available at Amala Earth. Experience the healing touch of nature with holistic wellness and mindful eating products only at Amala Earth.

FAQs on Kahwa Benefits

Can you drink Kahwa daily?

Due to the plethora of benefits of kahwa, it is considered safe to drink it daily during the winter months. However, it is always good to exercise moderation when consuming a drink with caffeine in case you are sensitive to caffeine.

What are the disadvantages of Kahwa tea?

A few disadvantages of kahwa tea can include an increased heart rate and risk of developing insomnia if the tea is consumed in excess. However, when consumed in moderation, there are not much side effects that you need to worry about.

Does drinking Kahwa reduce belly fat?

Since kahwa benefits the metabolism by aiding digestion, many people believe that it can help reduce fat. However, it is not a miraculous solution for weight loss. The spices present in the kashmiri kahwa benefits your blood sugar levels but you must exercise to reduce belly fat.

Does Kashmiri Kahwa have caffeine?

Yes, kashmiri kahwa contains a moderate amount of caffeine, which is why it can give a boost of energy to the drinker. Thus, people who are sensitive to caffeine or suffer from extreme anxiety, should refrain from consuming it.

Can we drink Kahwa in the summer?

Due to the delightful flavours and health benefits of kahwa, some people like to enjoy it year-round. However, it is recommended to drink it in moderation during summer to avoid any serious health conditions.

What is the difference between Kahwa and green tea?

Kahwa is a type of green tea that is flavoured with different spices, saffron, and nuts. It is generally a sweetened tea that is famous in Kashmir. It is also more expensive than normal green tea as the Kashmiri tea leaves are not found anywhere else.