Foods to Build Immune System

Are you on a quest to bolster your overall well-being and immune system? Well, we have a list of natural foods for immune system boost that you can try. While having a balanced diet full of leafy greens, citrus fruits, and proteins is important, incorporating some immunity-boosting foods like chyawanprash, shatavari, moringa powder, and triphala can do wonders.

Join us as we dive into some herbal supplements and foods to build your immune system and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness.

What are Immunity Boosting Foods?

As you know, our immune system helps our body defend itself against external threats. Thus, immunity boosting foods are those that help strengthen these defenses and support the immune system. These foods contain nutrients, antioxidants, and more to effectively combat infections, illnesses, and external threats. Read further to learn about some foods that boost your immune system.

10 Foods for Immune System Boost

From chyawanprash to green tea, apple cider to moringa and shatavari powder, there are many common foods that are helpful in building stronger immunity. Here are the top 10 immune boosting foods that you must add to your diet for their multitude of benefits:

1. Organic Chyawanprash
2. Moringa Powder
3. Ashwagandha Powder
4. Triphala Powder
5. Immunity-boosting Kadha
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
7. Shatavari Powder
8. Organic Honey
9. Turmeric Powder
10. Green Tea

    1. Organic Chyawanprash

    Rich with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Richi Chawan, chyawanprash is the natural elixir that consists of a potent blend of herbs, amla and spices. The benefits of chyawanprash range from boosting immunity, promoting heart health, aiding weight loss and more.

    2. Triphala Powder

    This blend of three fruits helps your digestive system and boosts your immunity at the same time. It is a herbal concoction that has been a part of traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and offers a range of health benefits.

    3. Ashwagandha Powder

    If you are looking for a natural remedy to stress along with weak immunity, turn to Ashwagandha powder. The adaptogenic properties of Ashwagandha make it the perfect stress reliever that can also help induce sleep and improve your memory.

    4. Moringa Powder

    Another excellent addition to your diet to boost immune system is moringa powder. This is because moringa powder benefits include preventing kidney stones, increasing energy levels, fighting bacterial infections and much more.

    5. Immunity-boosting Kadha

    Next up, here’s a drink to boost immune system that is infused with spices like ginger, cloves, and cinnamon. An immunity-boosting kadha can help relieve a sore throat, aid in digestion and even relieve stress which makes it a highly potent drink.

    6. Apple Cider Vinegar

    Here’s another immunity-boosting drink that offers a multitude of health benefits. Apple Cider vinegar helps you foster a healthy gut as you know, your gut is directly linked to your immunity. In addition, this drink helps build a robust immune system, reduces dandruff and lowers cholesterol.

    7. Shatavari Powder

    Shatavari is an extremely powerful herb that is known for its immunity-boosting properties. There are many shatavari benefits for women and men, such as supporting reproductive wellness and hormonal harmony that make it a holistic immunity food you must add to your diet.

    8. Organic Honey

    If you are looking for a natural sweetener that is also a food to build immune system, try organic honey. Apart from being delicious, honey also provides antimicrobial properties that make it a versatile ingredient for your overall well-being.

    9. Turmeric Powder

    Turmeric has been a staple in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. This is because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties. The curcumin content in turmeric helps enhance the body’s defences against infections and illnesses.

    10. Green Tea

    Lastly, green tea is the ultimate drink to boost immune system that you can easily incorporate into your daily diet. Rich in antioxidants, green tea is a refreshing beverage that can help you begin a healthy lifestyle and enhance your immune system.

    The Takeaway

    The journey towards stronger immunity may seem long, but it can yield significant results over time. By incorporating these immunity boosting foods and drinks into your diet, you can enjoy the promise of holistic wellness and fortify your body's natural defenses. Embrace these natural supplements and immunity boosters and embark on a health journey with Amala Earth.

    FAQs on Immunity-boosting Foods

    How can I boost my immune system very fast?

    In order to boost the immune system quickly, you can incorporate certain foods that help immune system such as chyawanprash, moringa, shatavari, triphala and ashwagandha among others. You should also focus on having a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

    Which food is good for immunity?

    Some common foods to improve immune system are citrus fruits, broccoli, garlic, and yoghurt. Apart from these, adding some herbal supplements and drinks like green tea, kahwa tea and immunity-boosting kadha can also be extremely beneficial.

    Which drink is good for immunity?

    Some drinks to boost the immune system include green tea, apply cider vinegar, kadha and kahwa tea. In addition, having vegetable and fruit juices can also be good for the body and refreshing in summers.

    What are some immunity-boosting foods for kids?

    For kids, including colourful fruits, vegetables, nuts, and yoghurt in their diet to support their developing immune systems is an excellent idea. Some more immunity-boosting foods for kids include dry fruits, jaggery and oats.