Health benefits of Bajra
Esha Dhawan
Oct 30, 2023

If you are looking for a superfood that will provide you with the necessary nutrition in the winter season, you must learn about pearl millet. Affectionately known as ‘bajra’ in India, this grain is nothing less than a treasure trove of health benefits.

In this blog, we will discuss the remarkable bajra benefits due to which this ancient superfood has stood the test of time. Also, learn how you can incorporate it into your diet to make the most of all the nutritional health benefits of pearl millet.

What is Bajra or Pearl Millet?

Pearl Millet or Bajra is a small cereal grain that has been a part of the staple diet for Indians since centuries. This is because this grain has an impressive nutritional profile and a rich history across the globe. The millet gets its name due to its round and pearl-like shape in white and yellow colour.

Furthermore, incorporating bajra atta benefits your diet during the Indian winter season due to its warming properties that help maintain body temperature. Keep reading to learn the wide range of benefits of pearl millet below.

Bajra Nutritional Value

Are you wondering what is the amount of nutrition in pearl millet or bajra? Let’s find out. The average bajra nutritional value per 100 g is as demonstrated in the table below.

 Nutritional Components Bajra Nutrition per 100 g
Protein 10.96 gm
Dietary fibre 11.49 gm
Fat Content 5.43 gm
Carbohydrates 61.78 gm
Energy 1456 KJ

Keeping the bajra nutrition in mind, you must try to add it to your diet and fulfil your daily nutrition requirements. It is particularly beneficial in the colder months as the body is in need for more warmth.

Top 12 Benefits of Bajra or Pearl Millet

Let’s dive into the fascinating bajra health benefits that make this nutrient-packed grain special. Here are the 12 best health benefits of pearl millet you must know:


1. May Reduce Risk of Cancer

One of the most important pearl millet benefits is that it has the potential to fight multiple cancers. That’s because the high fibre content and antioxidant properties help neutralize the free radicals and prevent colon and gastrointestinal cancers.

2. Helps Manage Diabetes

Bajra is a superfood that is highly beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. This is because the grain has a low glycemic index and helps prevent sudden spikes and crashes in sugar levels.

3. Good for Gluten Intolerance

As mentioned above, pearl millet is naturally gluten-free and safe for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Thus, if you are looking for a wholesome alternative to any gluten-containing millets and grains, try the pearl millet or bajra.

4. Boosts Energy Levels

If you suffer from lethargy and constant fatigue with low energy levels, bajra can be your saviour. This grain can help boost energy levels and help you stay active for long. This is why it is an excellent grain to add to your diet.

5. Lowers Cholesterol

Pearl millet or bajra also helps reduce the bad cholesterol levels in the body, which reduces the risk of heart diseases and maintains good heart health. The high fibre content in bajra atta benefits the heart and protects it from strokes and attacks.

6. Increases Haemoglobin Levels

If you are someone suffering from iron deficiency, bajra is what you need to add to your diet. The millet is a good source of iron and when consumed regularly, it can help increase your haemoglobin levels and prevent anaemia.

7. Improves Bone Health

Since our bone density depletes with age, it is crucial to add foods that can help improve your bone health. And the magnesium and phosphorus content in bajra benefits the overall bone health.

8. Rich in Antioxidants

Bajra or pearl millet is a treasure trove of antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E that protect the body from any oxidative damage. These antioxidants also play a critical role in preventing premature ageing and chronic diseases.

9. Has Anti-inflammatory Properties

Pearl millet benefits people with inflammatory conditions by reducing inflammation in the body and easing any discomfort. Some examples of fatal inflammatory diseases include Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease and adding bajra to your diet can reduce the risk of these diseases.

10. Aids in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS is an extremely common health condition among women of different age groups. It is a hormonal disorder that can easily cause havoc in the body and lead to many unwanted symptoms. So, how can bajra help? Well, bajra flour benefits women with PCOS by helping regulate their menstrual cycles and preventing lifestyle disorders.

11. Reduces Risk of Childhood Asthma

Did you know that childhood asthma is a fairly common condition? And Bajra is not only a good food choice for the little ones but it also helps reduce the risk of childhood asthma. The whole grain has been proven to reduce the risk of asthma by 54% in children.

12. Good Source of Protein for Vegetarians

Lastly, a lesser known fact is that bajra is actually a good source of plant-based protein. In fact, pearl millet flour is even more beneficial when combined with seeds like chana dal, moong dal, rajma and more. You can find more protein-rich veg foods that can help you complete your protein intake requirement.

Bajra Benefits for Weight Loss

Bajra flour benefits

(Image: Bajra Grains)

Since bajra consists of complex carbohydrates, it is slowly digested and can make you feel satiated for a longer period. Thus, it helps avoid overeating between different meals and provides you with a continuous flow of energy.

What’s more, this energy-packed superfood has a low-calorie density and is loaded with insoluble fibre that aids in burning the extra fat. So, you can leverage the bajra benefits for weight loss by adding bajra roti, porridge or bajra khichdi to your diet.

Bajra Benefits for Skin

Bajra offers several benefits for your skin and hair due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce the signs of premature ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, bajra benefits for skin include overall hydration which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and promoting a natural glow.

How to Consume Bajra?

Bajra roti

To harness the potential bajra health benefits, you must add it to your regular diet. How? Here are a few easy bajra recipes you must try to benefit from this age-old grain.

  • Bajra Roti: You can add bajra to your routine by making flatbreads or rotis and having them for lunch. You can gain the bajra roti benefits by cooking it with less oil and ghee and having it with some leafy greens.
  • Bajra Khichdi: A healthy and light recipe that you can try to gain the bajra benefits is bajra khichdi which you can make by soaking bajra and moong dal. Bajra khichdi benefits include contributing in weight loss and regulating blood sugar levels.
  • Bajra Porridge: You can start your day with a healthy bajra porridge that you can make by using either water or milk.

The Takeaway

The humble bajra or pearl millet is a superfood that you must add to your diet for its multitude of health benefits. The millet has proved to be a versatile grain that can help you lead a more balanced and healthier lifestyle. Discover the goodness of bajra flour and other ancient grains at Amala Earth. Begin your mindful eating journey and embrace a greener lifestyle with Amala Earth.

FAQs on Bajra Benefits

Eating bajra daily in moderation can be beneficial as part of a balanced diet. The grain provides numerous health benefits and can be included in daily meals along with other nutrients.

Bajra, or pearl millet, is considered a ‘warming grain,’ making it hot for the body. It's an excellent winter superfood, providing warmth and energy during colder months.

Both bajra and jowar have multiple health benefits. Jowar is high in protein and fibre, while bajra provides prolonged satiety and energy. Bajra is better suited for winter, while jowar can be consumed in other seasons.

While bajra is highly nutritious, it may cause digestive issues if consumed in excess and could trigger rare allergic reactions in some individuals. Moderation and balanced consumption are key to avoiding side effects.

Bajra generally has no major side effects, but overconsumption may lead to digestive discomfort or rare allergic reactions. Moderation is recommended to avoid any potential issues.

Bajra helps prevent hair loss and strengthens hair follicles due to its high protein content. The presence of vitamin B and folic acid also enhances hair quality, preventing breakage.

Bajra, with its low glycemic index, is beneficial for diabetes patients as it helps prevent sudden blood sugar spikes and dips. Pearl millet is an effective way to naturally manage blood sugar levels.

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