Akhand Diya for Navratri
Esha Dhawan
Apr 01, 2024

Lighting the Akhand Diya during Navratri is a time-honoured tradition in our country. This is because the Akhand Jyoti Diya symbolises the unwavering devotion of the devotees towards the divine.

Let us delve into the significance and rituals surrounding the Akhand Diya during Navratri, shedding light on the timeless customs, and Navratri Akhand Jyoti rules that continue to connect people.

What is Akhand Diya?

The concept of the Akhand Diya lamp comes from akhand jyoti, or the eternal flame, mentioned in the Mantra Mahabodhi, or the holy book of mantras. According to this book, chanting in front of Agni or fire yields better results.

A diya is the vessel used to create the flame or Jyoti. The Akhand Diya holds special significance during the Navratri festival as it symbolises the continuous and uninterrupted devotion towards Goddess Durga or Shakti throughout the nine days.

There are many beliefs around why we light an Akhand diya in our homes. Some of these include:

  • It is said to bring home wealth
  • It is also symbolic of purity and power
  • It welcomes good health and prosperity
  • It is said to bring knowledge and drive away ignorance
  • The lighting of the diya signifies goodness and good fortune

Benefits of the Akhand Diya

Also known as the eternal flame, the diya serves as a beacon of light, purity, and protection, inviting blessings into the household and getting rid of negativity. Here are a few Akhand Deepam benefits:

  • Fire is one of the five essential elements. It is believed that lighting an Akhand Diya establishes a deep connection with the creator.
  • Akhand Diya is said to remove diseases from a household.
  • Akhand Diya is meant to remove any negative energies and rid the house of diseases. It also brings positivity and peace to the surroundings and purifies the atmosphere.
  • The ghee or oil used in the Akhand Diya is said to destroy all harmful particles and fill the house with positivity.

Navratri Akhand Jyoti Rules

According to Hindu spirituality, a diya or jyoti symbolises knowledge, purity, luck, and prosperity and helps eliminate darkness or ignorance. When lighting the brass Akhand Diya, there are a few Navratri akhand jyoti rules that you should keep in mind.

  • Use a silver, brass, or earthen lamp to light the Akhand Jyoti. If you choose an earthen lamp, dip it overnight to prevent oil leakage from it later.
  • Always keep the Akhand Jyoti on a raised platform.
  • An eight-petalled lotus or the Ashtadal is made with gulaal and rice on the raised platform (called chowki), and the Akhand Diya must be placed on it on the right side of the goddess or the temple in your house.
  • To keep the Navratri Akhand diya lit for longer, use a long and thick wick.
  • Always use mustard oil, ghee, or sesame oil to light the Akhand Jyoti.
  • Monitor the oil in the lamp from time to time and prevent the wick from getting completely submerged.

How to Keep the Akhand Diya Burning for Long?

If you are wondering how to keep the Akhand diya burning for a long time then keep reading. Here are a few ways to ensure that the Akhand jyot keeps burning continuously.

  • Use pure, high-quality ghee as the fuel to ensure a steady and clean flame
  • Always keep the cotton wick to an appropriate length and adjust it accordingly to maintain it.
  • Ensure a constant supply of ghee to the Akhand Diya and keep an eye on the flame.
  • When adding oil to the diya, ensure you do it gently so that the wick doesn't get dampened.
  • Keep the diya on a flat surface and away from any windows or doors.
  • After a few days, carbon starts accumulating on the cotton wick. You can then add a new wick and light it adjacent to the existing one to allow the Akhand Diya to continue burning.
  • A cylindrical glass cover around the diya will protect it from the breeze.

Opting for a glass Akhand Diya of big size will ensure the lamp remains lit for a longer time. You can also opt for diyas made of materials like brass. Brass Diya is believed to attract positive spiritual vibrations compared with those made from other metals.

Brass Akhand Diya

Brass Akhand Diya Lamp by Codesustain

How to Take the ‘Sankalp’ of the Akhand Diya?

When you decide to take the ‘sankalp’ or commitment to light the Akhand Diya for Navratri, here are a few things you must avoid:

  • If your Akhand diya is not protected by a glass box or a cylinder, do not leave it unattended or unsupervised.
  • It is essential to chant sacred mantras at least during the morning and evening prayers in the presence of the Akhand diya.
  • Do not place the Akhand diya near the toilet, bathroom, or any inauspicious place.
  • The jyot of the Akhand diya must be kept lit through a constant supply of ghee or oil.
  • Never keep the Akhand diya on the ground.
  • Never leave the house with the Akhand diya empty.
  • After the nine days of Navratri, do not put the diya off if it continues to burn. Let it blow out on its own.

The Takeaway

Bring home positivity and prosperity this upcoming festive season by lighting an Akhand Diya in your home. Lighting the Akhand Diya during Navratri creates a spiritual and devoted atmosphere in honour of the goddess or divine energy.

If you are looking for brass idols, charcoal-free incense sticks, aromatic dhoop, and Akhand Diyas for Navratri, check out the collection of natural pooja essentials and Navratri specials at Amala Earth.

    FAQs on Akhand Diya Benefits

    What is the importance of Akhand diya?

    The Akhand Diya symbolises the eternal presence of the divine during the festival of Navratri. It signifies the uninterrupted energy and devotion offered to the goddess throughout the nine days of the festival and helps to get rid of any darkness from the household.

    Which oil is used to light an Akhand Jyot?

    The best type of oil to light the Akhand jyot or the Akhand Diya during Navratri is pure ghee or mustard oil. The holy flame must be lit with cotton wicks of good quality and the jyot must be kept away from a window or door.

    How do you light the Akhand diya?

    There are specific rules that you must follow when lighting the Akhand diya. You must pick a good quality lamp and use a thick cotton wick. Light the lamp using mustard oil, sesame oil or pure ghee so that it burns for long. Lastly, always keep a spare lamp handy when adjusting the wick or pouring ghee into the diya.

    What is the significance of Akhanda Deepam?

    The Akhand Deepam or the Navratri Akhand Diya has immense spiritual significance. In some regions, it is believed to be a symbol of the Lord Srinivasa and in many other regions, it is lit to honour Goddess Durga. It is a practice that is done to rid the home of any darkness and bring prosperity and positivity to the household.

    How to pour ghee in an Akhand Diya?

    Firstly, you must use pure and clarified butter to ensure a clean flame. Secondly, ensure that you keep your hands steady and gently pour the ghee into the Akhand jyoti diya to prevent any spillage. Lastly, leave some space at the top to prevent overflowing and take extra care to avoid extinguishing the flame. Following these Navratri Akhand jyoti rules is crucial to have a prosperous time during this auspicious period.

    Where can I keep Akhand Diya during Navratri?

    It is best to place your Akhand Diya in the centre of the Ashtadal or the eight-petalled lotus in your home temple. Place it towards the right side of the Mother Divine on the altar. Also, avoid placing the Akhand Jyoti diya near a window or door as it will be in the path of the breeze.

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