As the temperatures drop and the winter season begins, it is time to indulge in some nutritious winter season foods. These delicious foods are not only meant to please the palette but also keep the body nourished and warm in the colder months.
So, let’s dive into the world of winter food that will help you stay warm throughout the season and provide adequate nourishment at the same time.
Top 10 Winter Foods
Here are some delightful winter foods that can keep your body comfortably warm in the chilly months. In addition, many of these foods are immunity-boosting and will help you stay healthy while providing the required warmth.
1. Dry Fruits
Dry fruits and nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews are winter foods that provide you with much-needed energy when the air gets crisp. These nuts help maintain your body temperature and help you stay warm during the cold months. Thus, incorporating them into your winter diet is a must.
2. Seeds
Another quick fix to get a quick boost of energy and all the essential nutrients is to consume different seeds like sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds. You can sprinkle these seeds on different dishes and meals to help keep you warm during the Indian winters.