Benefits of Turmeric (Haldi)
Esha Dhawan
May 14, 2024

Here’s a fact, there is more to turmeric than using it for a pre-wedding glow mask or your mother’s post wound remedy. For thousands of years this bright yellow-orange spice related to ginger, has been a key ingredient in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine. But this versatile spice might offer more than just flavour. Keep reading to know the benefits of turmeric that might boost your well-being.

20 Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric in Hindi is known as Haldi, a staple in Indian households for all the good reasons. Beyond adding warmth and colour to your dishes, haldi has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Here are 20 benefits and reasons to add this golden spice to your daily lives.

1. Fights Infections
2. Improves Digestion 
3. Helps in Muscle Recovery
4. Boosts immunity 
5. Relieves Headaches
6. Delays Ageing Effects
7. Supports detoxification 
8. Reduces Inflammation
9. Improves respiratory Health 
10. Improves eye health
11. Improves liver health
12. Reduces Acne Breakout
13. Lowers Bad Cholesterol
14. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels
15. Improves Bone Health 
16. Improves Memory
17. Relieves IBS Symptoms
18. Improves Sleep Pattern
19. Helps Patients with Depression
20. Heals Wounds

    1. Fights Infections

    Turmeric has been a traditional remedy in India for centuries to fight infections. Studies suggest it could shorten the duration of viral illnesses and even reduce the severity of symptoms. It acts as a natural supporter, giving your body a boost as it fights off those unwanted invaders.

    2. Improves Digestion

    Turmeric in food benefits your health by stimulating the production of bile, a substance your liver releases to help break down fats in your meals. This improved bile flow can lead to more efficient digestion and better absorption of nutrients from your food. So while preparing your next meal, consider adding a touch of haldi in your curry as it might help your gut function better.

     3. Helps in Muscle Recovery

    After a tough workout, turmeric might be your saviour. Curcumin's anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise. This could potentially lead to faster muscle recovery and get you back to the gym feeling your best.

    4. Boosts Immunity

    The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric also benefit your immune system. Studies suggest it could help regulate immune response and potentially fight off infections or inflammatory conditions. Thus, consider adding a sprinkle of turmeric to your meals for a possible immune system boost.

    5. Relieves Headache

    Some studies suggest that one of the medicinal uses of turmeric is that it might offer relief from headaches. Its anti-inflammatory properties could potentially help reduce pain and inflammation associated with headaches. However, more studies are needed to confirm this benefit.

    6. Delays Ageing Effects

    The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in turmeric may help combat free radicals, molecules that damage cells and contribute to ageing. While more research is needed, including turmeric in your diet could be a natural way to promote cellular health and potentially slow down ageing.

    7. Supports Detoxification

    The main ingredients in turmeric help your body remove waste products more efficiently, similar to that sluggish feeling after a big meal. It acts like a gentle nudge for your liver to keep things running smoothly. Just add some turmeric to your food or try a warm turmeric drink for a natural detox boost.

    8. Reduces Inflammation

    One of the most studied benefits of haldi is its potential to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can contribute to various health problems. Compounds in turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties that might be helpful in managing conditions like arthritis or muscle soreness.

    9. Improves Respiratory Health

    Early research suggests curcumin in turmeric might offer some benefits for respiratory health. Its anti-inflammatory properties could potentially help with conditions like allergies or asthma. However, more studies are needed to confirm this.

    10. Improves Eye Health

    Curcumin's antioxidant properties might also play a role in eye health. Some studies suggest it could help protect against age-related macular degeneration, a condition that affects vision. The antioxidant property of Turmeric might also help in treating glaucoma and cataract.

    11. Improves Liver Health

    Did you know that turmeric benefits extend to your liver? Studies suggest curcumin might help protect the liver from damage caused by toxins or inflammation. This could be beneficial for people with liver conditions or those who take medications that can affect the liver.

    12. Reduces Acne Breakouts

    Another medicinal use of haldi is that its anti-inflammatory properties may benefit those struggling with acne. Studies suggest it could help reduce inflammation associated with acne breakouts. Adding turmeric into your diet could be a natural approach to promoting clearer skin.

    13. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

    Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties might be helpful for lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). Research suggests chronic inflammation can contribute to high LDL levels. And the active ingredient in turmeric, might considerably lower LDL cholesterol in people with high cholesterol.

    14. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

    Some studies suggest turmeric might help regulate blood sugar levels, potentially benefiting those with type 2 diabetes. However, more studies are needed to confirm this benefit and determine the most effective use of turmeric for diabetes management.

    15. Improves Bone Health

    Curcumin's anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce inflammation in the joints, which could be beneficial for conditions like arthritis. Additionally, some early research suggests turmeric might play a role in bone formation and density.

    16. Improves Memory

    Early research suggests that turmeric might offer benefits for memory, especially in older adults. Its anti-inflammatory properties could potentially help protect brain cells and improve memory function. Thus, incorporating turmeric into your diet could be a way to support cognitive health.

    17. Relieves IBS Symptoms

    Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties might be helpful for those struggling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Studies suggest curcumin could help reduce inflammation in the gut, which may alleviate some IBS symptoms. 

    18. Improves Sleep Patterns

    Another important benefit of haldi water is its potential relaxing properties that may help regulate sleep hormones. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects could address underlying inflammation that disrupts sleep. So, a sprinkle of turmeric in your dinner or a soothing turmeric tea before bed could be a tasty step towards a better night's rest.

    19. Helps Patients with Depression

    Lastly, the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric may help regulate mood. Studies even show that it could be as effective as some antidepressants in reducing symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Thus, incorporating turmeric into your diet could be a tasty way to support your emotional well-being.

    20. Heals Wounds

    While its power to soothe minor injuries is well-known, research suggests turmeric might be helpful for chronic wounds as well. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric,plays an active role in accelerating wound closure and tissue regeneration. This means turmeric might not just ease discomfort, but also potentially help wounds heal faster.

    Advantages of Turmeric Water

    The benefits of turmeric water are many. It may potentially reduce inflammation throughout your body, aiding digestion, joint health, and even skin issues. It might also improve digestion by stimulating bile production and offer some immune system support thanks to curcumin's anti-inflammatory effects. 

    Beyond these, ongoing studies hint at benefits like managing blood sugar, improving memory, and even aiding muscle recovery after exercise. Thus, haldi water can be a simple and potentially effective way to harness the power of turmeric for a healthier you.

      How to Use Turmeric

      turmeric water benefits

      Turmeric can be utilised in various forms to enhance both culinary creations and natural remedies. Here are various ways to use turmeric (haldi).

      1. Turmeric Powder

      There are multiple medicinal uses of turmeric powder. Add it to curries, soups, stews, rice dishes, and marinades to get the benefits of haldi powder and also to add flavour and colour.

      2. Turmeric with Milk

      To make a Turmeric Latte, mix turmeric powder with warm milk, honey, and a dash of black pepper for a comforting beverage and for the turmeric tea, boil turmeric powder with milk and a sweetener of choice to reap the many benefits of turmeric with milk.

      3. Raw Turmeric

      Grate or finely chop fresh turmeric root and add it to salads, smoothies, or juices for a vibrant colour and incorporate it in cooking to reap the benefits of raw turmeric.

      4. Turmeric Leaves

      Use turmeric leaves to wrap and steam fish, chicken, or vegetables or add steep dried turmeric leaves in hot water to make a fragrant and mildly spicy herbal tea with potential health benefits.

      These methods allow you to incorporate turmeric into your diet in various ways, each offering its own unique flavour and health benefits.

      The Takeaway

      Turmeric offers a range of potential health benefits beyond flavour. Scientific research is catching up to traditional uses, suggesting it might help with inflammation, digestion, immunity, and even memory. Ready to experience the remarkable potential of turmeric? Explore mindful eating products at Amala Earth and start your journey to a healthier you, one mindful bite at a time!

      FAQs on Benefits of Turmeric

      What are the side effects of Haldi?

      Consuming turmeric in moderation is generally safe for most people, but excessive intake can lead to potential side effects. It's recommended not to exceed 5 teaspoons of turmeric per day. Additionally, it's preferable to obtain curcumin and other nutrients from whole foods rather than relying solely on turmeric supplements.

      What is the nutritional value of haldi?

      Here's an overview of nutritional value of haldi per 1 tablespoon (approximately 6 grams) of ground turmeric:

      -Calories: 24

      -Protein: 0.5 g

      -Fat: 0.7 grams

      -Carbohydrates: 4.4 g

      -Fibre: 1.4 grams

      Is turmeric good for skin?

      Yes, turmeric is good for the skin. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that help soothe conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis, while also reducing signs of ageing. Turmeric can also brighten the skin, aid in wound healing, regulate oil production, and act as a gentle exfoliant, promoting healthier and radiant skin.

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