New Year Resolutions for 2024

Let’s admit it. Setting up New Year resolutions is something we all do but rarely follow through. If you are looking for resolution ideas that you will be motivated to follow through, keep reading. As we transition into 2024, it is natural to reflect on the year that has passed and feel the desire to set an intention for the upcoming year.

And while you are focusing on setting resolutions for your personal growth, why not think about the environment? We have compiled a list of New Year's resolutions that can help foster positive change in your life and the environment.

20 Best New Year Resolutions for 2024

If you are bored of setting the same impossible New Year resolutions every year and abandoning them mid-way, keep reading. Here are some achievable 2024 resolutions that focus on your personal growth as well as the well-being of the environment:

1. Start a Gratitude Journal

2. De-Clutter Your Surroundings

3. Begin Your Yoga Journey

4. Practice Mindfulness

5. Start Your Day with Positive Affirmations

6. Write Down Your Goals

7. Reduce Your Waste

8. Upcycle Your Wardrobe

9. Choose Healthier Eating Options

10. Invest in Natural Skincare Products

11. Travel More Often

12. Try Some Gardening

13. Drink More Water

14. Reduce Your Screen Time

15. Support Local Artisans

16. Spend More Time Alone

17. Try New Things More Often

18. Meditate Every Day

19. Reduce Plastic Usage

20. Learn to Manage Time Better

1. Start a Gratitude Journal

The best way to step into the new year is to cultivate a positive mindset. And an excellent way to do this is to feel more grateful. How? Consider starting a gratitude journal where you write something you are grateful for regularly. This simple practice of harnessing the benefits of journalling will help you change your perspective and become more optimistic as part of your New Year's resolution for 2024.

2. De-Clutter Your Surroundings

Did you know that de-cluttering your space can help de-clutter the mind? This is because when we move towards a more minimalist lifestyle, we tend to have a more clear mindset and approach to life. So, begin the new year by eliminating unnecessary things from your life.

3. Begin Your Yoga Journey

If you want to look after your physical, mental and emotional well-being, trying yoga is the best New Year's resolution for you. Embark on your yoga journey by investing in some good yoga wear and accessories that will motivate you to integrate it into your routine.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Whether you light up candles for aromatherapy or sign up for a meditation class, there are multiple ways to embrace mindfulness. So, take this New Year resolution to unleash your best self and create a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

5. Start Your Day with Positive Affirmations

Here’s a unique resolution for 2024 that will help you develop a positive attitude and feel more confident in 2024. Begin your day by incorporating positive daily affirmations that will help inspire confidence, gratitude, and a constructive mindset. You can buy affirmation cards that are designed for this purpose and are a self-care essential.

6. Write Down Your Goals

Here's an excellent New Year resolution 2024 for students trying to crack an important exam. Putting your goals and aspirations on paper can solidify your commitment and help you achieve them. So, make a resolution for 2024 to pen down your goals in a daily planner or a journal that will help create a roadmap for your success and growth.

7. Reduce Your Waste

An eco-friendly New Year resolution that can help minimise your carbon footprint is to actively reduce your waste. You can achieve this by embracing recycling, composting, and making conscious choices to eliminate single-use plastic.

8. Upcycle Your Wardrobe

It is time you embrace sustainable fashion by either opting for more eco-friendly garments or simply upcycling your wardrobe. You can start by creating a capsule wardrobe that has versatile fashion pieces that can be paired in multiple ways. This way, you can reduce the need to buy more and will be able to create a personal style that is more sustainable and chic.

9. Choose Healthier Eating Options

Incorporating Mindful Eating options into your diet is an excellent New Year resolution that will help you prioritise yourself in 2024. Start by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet and consider some plant-based alternatives for a sustainable and nutritious approach to eating.

Since the Indian government has taken an initiative to promote millets, you can incorporate them into your diet in 2024 to leverage the health benefits.

10. Invest in Natural Skincare Products

Opt for organic skincare products made of natural non-toxic ingredients that prioritize sustainability and are ethically sourced. This will help you take better care of your skin and invest in yourself.

11. Travel More Often

What’s a better way to create lasting memories than travelling? So, pack your bags and immerse yourself in different cultures in this new year. Plan your holidays in a sustainable way by opting for a recycled leather travel pouch and more travel essentials available at Amala Earth.

12. Try Some Gardening

Looking for some eco-friendly New Year resolutions? Try gardening! Create a connection with nature by growing a plant and watching it grow. This sustainable hobby is extremely rewarding and you might just be able to grow your own vegetable garden someday.

13. Drink More Water

This one is a no-brainer and yet, so many of us struggle to do it. This new year, make sure to hydrate yourself by drinking more water. You can also opt for a copper bottle to make this resolution a bit more fun and earth-friendly.

14. Reduce Your Screen Time

Reducing your screen time and allocating more time to face-to-face interactions and outdoor activities can be extremely beneficial and perhaps the best New Year resolution. So, try to do a digital detox by creating a healthier balance between your online and offline life.

15. Support Local Artisans

Supporting small Indian businesses and local artisans is important to create a stronger community and economy. So, make a resolution for 2024 to choose more products from small local businesses and slowly move away from mass-produced products. This is not only an eco-friendly New Year resolution but will also help you support the Vocal for Local campaign.

16. Spend More Time Alone

Finding moments of solitude has become more and more difficult amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. So, take this new year’s resolution to spend more time with yourself and enjoy your own company. Whether it involves going on a date with yourself or learning a new hobby, it is essential to embrace solitude.

17. Try New Things More Often

One of the best New Year's resolutions that will help you come out of your comfort zone is to try new things frequently. For instance, if you are an introvert, having more social interactions can give you a sense of achievement and can be a rewarding experience.

18. Meditate Every Day

Meditating regularly is a way to ensure that your mental well-being stays in check. There are a myriad of benefits of meditation, including stress reduction, improved focus, and enhanced emotional well-being. So, whether you meditate for five minutes or an hour, make a resolution for 2024 to start meditating every day.

19. Reduce Plastic Usage

One of the easiest ways to contribute to sustainability and become a better Indian citizen is to reduce your plastic usage. Start by avoiding single-use plastic products and switch to copper bottles, glass containers and cloth tote bags.

20. Learn to Manage Time Better

Here’s a new years resolution that can help increase your productivity in 2024. You can learn effective ways to manage time by creating everyday schedules and setting realistic goals for yourself. Subscribe to tools that will help you achieve a better balance in life.

Tips to Stick to Your Resolutions for 2024

Coming up with your New Year resolution for 2024 is only half the battle. This is because the more important part is sticking to your resolutions. Most people struggle to stick to their New Year's resolutions. But fret not! We have listed a few ways to help you stick to your 2024 resolutions.

  • Choose a specific goal: When choosing your new year resolution 2024, it is imperative to be specific. For instance, instead of setting ‘get fit’ as your resolution, try to choose something like ‘work out 3 times a week’ which is more attainable.
  • Write it down: Once you have chosen your New Year resolution, it is best to write it down on a piece of paper or create a vision board for a concrete plan.
  • One day at a time: It is important to remember that consistency is the key to success for every goal. So, break down your resolutions for 2024 into smaller and manageable goals and work on them every day to succeed.
  • Get some Support: As you know, accountability can be a powerful motivator that can significantly increase your chances of staying committed to your resolutions. So, get some support and tell your trusted friends who can hold you accountable for following through on your 2024 resolution.

    The Takeaway

    Whether you wish to foster personal growth, nurture your mental well-being or be a champion for sustainability in 2024, setting a New Year resolution can be the best way to do this. Transform your intentions into actions and embrace sustainability with Amala Earth, a one-stop destination for all things earth-friendly.

    FAQs on New Year Resolutions 2024

    What makes a good New Year resolution?

    The best New Year’s resolutions 2024 are clear, realistic and aligned with your personal growth. This can help set you up for success and make the goal genuinely attainable. For instance, instead of simply setting a goal to lose weight, it is better to set up a goal to eat more mindfully and work on your mental and physical health.

    What are some eco-friendly New Year resolutions?

    Some eco-friendly New Year resolutions include reducing the use of single-use plastic, choosing sustainable and slow fashion, and embracing plant-based eating habits. You can also switch to natural makeup and skincare products to be more sustainable.

    How do I choose my New Year’s resolution?

    Consider creating a list of things that you want to improve on and create a plan with specific steps to achieve that. Whether it is improving your personal health, and development or taking a step towards sustainability, it is important to align your resolutions with your personal values and aspirations.

    What are the 3 most common New Year's resolutions?

    Some of the most common New Year resolutions include improved finances, weight loss and learning a new skill. Another common resolution for the new year includes better mental health and having a morning routine. It is important that you stick to your resolution and choose a realistic goal to succeed.

    How to stick to your 2024 resolution?

    When choosing your goals for the new year, it is imperative to be specific and write down your goals. Furthermore, it can do wonders to have an accountability buddy who can keep you on track with your resolutions. So, take things one day at a time and stay focused on your resolutions to become a better version of yourself.