How to Set Intentions Instead of Resolutions for 2023
Info (Amala Earth)
Dec 21, 2022

What is a Resolution?

A New Year Resolution is a commitment that a person makes to bring changes in their life. It is a tradition that originated in the Western world but was adopted by the rest of the world. A resolution is made to follow good practices and change undesirable behaviour. It is a goal set to practice self-seeking and renew all your old resolutions.

What is an Intention?

An intention is a practical commitment to follow a course of action. It is a state of mind in which a person desires to perform something. The intentions represent the intended course of action and express themselves at the course of action. An intention can either be a prospective or an immediate one. 

  • Prospective Intentions: These intentions are also known as prior intentions. They refer to the plans made by a person to perform some action in the future. 
  • Immediate Intentions: These intentions are act-related. All immediate actions occur by knowledge. 

Intentions are responsible for initiating, sustaining, and terminating a particular action.

How is a Resolution different from an Intention?

A resolution is a promise to change or fix something in the future. Resolutions are usually made as a result of negative thoughts on the current situation. It makes you feel guilty about a past deed or lifestyle. A person decides to make a resolution when they are unhappy with what is going on. You may either accomplish a resolution or fail to do it. There is no wiggle room. 

However, an intention is more focused, open-ended and vague. It is something that you wish to do but are not rigid. An intention leads to betterment as it aligns us with our purpose. Intentions are decided today, while resolutions and goals are set for the future.

How to set an Intention?

An intention brings enthusiasm and a sense of commitment. It makes you think wisely and smoothly. An intention is more about the journey and not setting a goal. For example, if you intend to lose weight in the year 2023, you would intend to lead a healthy life and exercise regularly. As a result, you will shed kilograms automatically. On the other hand, if you make a resolution to lose weight, you will regret your present physical appearance first. Relatively, you will aim to work hard and lose more kilos. You may work out rigorously or go on crash diets but still fail to achieve your targets.  

On the contrary, while setting an intention, you acknowledge that you are satisfied with what you have and intend to make things better. Therefore, it is a phase or a journey of improving on something. To set up an intention, you can do the following:

  • Connect yourself with the most significant assets of your life—link with friends and relatives who give you joy, happiness, and peace. Listen to your inner voice and do what your heart says. This will keep you stress-free and happy, which in turn will help you achieve what you want.
  • The next step is to pen down what you want to achieve in your life. Mention the points that relate to your purpose and achieve the same. You may need to be generous, polite, and more hardworking. You may also need to change your lifestyle. For example, if you wish to lose weight, do not crib about your present condition or past course of action. You should also avoid aiming to lose a particular number of kilos. Your approach or intention should be to love and work for your body even more. You need to pay attention to healthy choices for food and not rely on dietary supplements. The outcome will automatically be favourable.
  • Create a list of your achievements and share it with one of your close friends or relatives to keep track of your accountability.
  • Create a short phrase or a success mantra. Keep recalling it to overcome any kind of obstacles to achieve your purpose. For example, if you decide to follow the phrase ‘Hard Work Pays’. Recall it whenever you feel lethargic and tired. If your target is to stay fit and reshape your body and early morning workouts are a big challenge, this phrase may help you boost up. In the case of females, job and household chores cannot be avoided. As a result, they overlook their health and fail to take steps for the same. In such scenarios, focus on your aim and recall the phrase ‘Hard Work pays’ whenever you feel low. The results will surely be in your favour.
  • Be loyal to yourself. Nobody is the best judge except you. Always choose the right path to achieve your goals, and remember that shortcuts lead to failure. Keep doing your work religiously, and the success will surely be yours at the right time.
  • Keep up the good work and leave the rest all to the Almighty. There may be many struggles and challenges in life, but to make us strong and experienced. If you have set an intention according to your potential, the outcome will be achieved at the right time. All you have to do is to put in the best of your efforts.

Which is better for the year 2023- New Year Resolution or New Year Intention? 

Before you plan to take steps to bring some changes in your life for the New Year 2023, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is that you are passionate about?
  • What are the things that are right on track and need not be changed?
  • How can you spread happiness?
  • How can you be more productive ?

Once you get the answers to the above questions, make a list of things that will help you bring changes. Thereafter, the next concern that arises in your mind is whether to take a resolution or set an intention for the year 2023. As discussed above, a resolution is a negative thought given on the unachieved things in the last year. Whereas, the intention is set after an appreciation of what has been achieved and how things can become better. Therefore, one should have an intention to improve and lead a healthy life instead of cursing what is not obtained and making resolutions to attain goals. Here are a few intentions that one can set for the upcoming year 2023:

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