Benefits of Chamomile Tea

There’s no better way to lounge after a long day than to brew a cup of relaxing chamomile tea while you snuggle up with a cosy blanket and a book. This is because finding a few moments of tranquillity in this buzzing world is truly a gift. But that’s not all. There are a myriad of chamomile tea benefits that make it the perfect soothing elixir. Let’s delve into these health benefits and learn why this miracle tea has been cherished for centuries.

History of Chamomile

Chamomile is a delicate white flower that has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. Apart from the medicinal advantages of chamomile tea, the flower has a sweet fragrance that also makes it perfect for aromatic purposes. The earliest use of chamomile can be traced back to Ancient Egypt and Rome. 

The Egyptians believed that this flower could cure various ailments and skin conditions. Today, it is used in different areas like cooking, wellness teas, cosmetics, haircare and skincare products.

10 Advantages of Drinking Chamomile Tea

Here are the enchanting health benefits of drinking Chamomile tea that you must know. While we have evidence for many of these advantages, we still require some more research to prove the rest of the benefits medically.

1. Improves Sleep Quality
2. Promotes Digestive Health
3. Relieves Anxiety and Depression
4. Improves Menstrual Symptoms
5. Helps Improve Cold Symptoms
6. May Help Control Blood Sugar
7. May Boost Your Immune System
8. Prevents Loss in Bone Density
9. May Protect Against Some Cancers
10. May Improve Heart Health

1. Improves Sleep Quality

First off, if you are someone who struggles with poor sleeping habits, chamomile tea can be your best friend. Why? This is because this herbal tea has mild sedative properties that can help you fall asleep and wake up refreshed the next morning.

2. Promotes Digestive Health

Another advantage of drinking chamomile tea is that it can help aid digestive discomfort like bloating, acid reflux, indigestion and gas. Thus, you can foster a more harmonious relationship with your gut by sipping chamomile tea regularly.

3. Relieves Anxiety and Depression

Did you know that chamomile tea can help fight anxiety and depression? Since it is rich in antioxidants, it can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress. Thus, it can help promote a sense of calm after a hectic and long day.

4. Improves Menstrual Symptoms

Due to its muscle-relaxing properties, women can harness the benefits for chamomile tea during menstruation. Hence, it can help relieve menstrual cramps and offer some relief during the challenging days.

5. Helps Improve Cold Symptoms

For those suffering from a chest cold or seasonal allergies, chamomile can provide some relief. You can also use the steam method by placing your head over a bowl of chamomile tea with a towel on your head and inhaling the steam.

6. May Help Control Blood Sugar

According to some studies, drinking chamomile tea can help control your blood sugar levels. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile that help prevent damage to the pancreas. And as you know, the pancreas produce insulin that is responsible for removing sugar from the blood.

7. May Boost Your Immune System

Regularly sipping a warm cup of chamomile tea can gradually fortify your immune system. It slowly strengthens your body’s defence mechanisms against infections and has many immune-boosting properties.

8. Prevents Loss in Bone Density

Some studies suggest that chamomile tea benefits bone health by preventing bone loss. This can ultimately prevent conditions like osteoporosis. However, the evidence for this health benefit is still minimal.

9. May Protect Against Some Cancers

Another potential benefit of drinking chamomile tea is that it can lower the risk of developing certain cancers. In fact, according to a study, drinking chamomile tea 2 to 6 times a week can significantly reduce the risk of thyroid cancer.

10. May Improve Heart Health

Due to the abundance of antioxidants, chamomile tea is believed to lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels. These are significant markers of your heart health and can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Chamomile Tea for Weight Loss

If you are looking for a natural and holistic way of managing your weight, chamomile tea can be the perfect ally. While it doesn’t offer any instant miracles or solutions, it is an excellent addition to your diet to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Thus, it can offer a gentle approach to wellness and make you feel your best.

Chamomile Tea Benefits for Skin

You can nourish your skin and increase your radiance naturally by sipping on chamomile tea regularly. It not only helps fight acne but also gives you a healthier-looking complexion for a more youthful look. You can harness the chamomile benefits by either drinking the tea or by using it as a gentle toner during your skincare routine.

Side Effects of Chamomile Tea

Now that you are aware of the plethora of advantages of chamomile tea, we should also discuss its few side effects.

1. A high dosage of chamomile may cause drowsiness.
2. Some individuals may be allergic to the chamomile plant and other plants in the daisy family.
3. People with liver and kidney issues, children, and pregnant and breastfeeding women may not benefit much from drinking chamomile tea.

    The Takeaway

    Brewing a cup of chamomile tea at the end of a long day is the epitome of relaxation. Not only does this miracle tea provide you with its soothing properties but it also provides a multitude of health benefits. So, embrace the countless health benefits of chamomile tea and other holistic wellness products with Amala Earth.

    FAQs on Chamomile Tea Benefits

    Who should avoid chamomile tea?

    People who are on any medications for any specific allergies like ragweed allergy should avoid drinking chamomile tea. Pregnant women should also consult a healthcare professional before adding it to their regular diet.

    Is it okay to drink chamomile tea every day?

    Yes, chamomile tea is generally considered safe for daily consumption due to its various benefits. However, it is advised to consume it in moderation to avoid any potential side effects.

    Can I drink chamomile tea at night?

    Yes, chamomile tea is safe to be consumed at night time as it has calming properties. This makes it perfect to improve sleep quality and promote relaxation. Thus, night time is the best time to consume chamomile tea.

    Is chamomile tea good for detox?

    Since an important benefit of drinking chamomile tea is reducing inflammation and aiding digestion, this makes it a good detox ingredient. Thus, you can include it in your diet for a gentle detoxification and to promote overall well being.

    Does chamomile tea have caffeine?

    Chamomile tea is a soothing herbal tea that is naturally free of caffeine. If you are seeking a tea to reduce your caffeine intake, chamomile tea is a great option with detoxifying and relaxing properties.

    How to make chamomile tea?

    The process of brewing the perfect cup of chamomile tea is simple. You can use real chamomile flowers or a tea bag and add it to boiling water. You can add a bit of honey or lemon to add more flavour and enjoy your cup of chamomile tea before bed.