Are You A Pet Parent? Here Are Highly Recommended Sustainable Pet Care Products
Info (Amala Earth)
Dec 21, 2021

Being a pet parent attracts multiple responsibilities because one has to be proactive about the pet's needs. Fulfilling the diet and health needs of the pet can be challenging because there are so many aspects to consider. As a responsible global citizen, one should also try to reduce the carbon footprint by choosing sustainable pet care products that are good for the environment.

It may not be practical to adopt a zero-waste policy in pet care. However, you can certainly consider using environment-friendly products as a step towards sustainable pet parenting. Read ahead to know some must-have sustainable pet care products for your pet pals.

Treats for the growing puppy

Having a young playful pup at home and watching it grow is one of the most sublime pleasures of pet parenting. Choose gluten-free functional treats that provide a healthy mix of natural ingredients. The puppy will love the rich flavor of milk. Additionally, these treats promote healthy growth.

Junior Bites™ is a unique treat for your pets with its all-natural formula containing Triphala, tapioca flour, and fresh chicken. It has a smooth and soft texture for an enjoyable chewing experience. Make these all-natural treats a part of your pup’s daily diet to boost growth and immunity.

Treats for effective training and all-round development

Training is a demanding process for your loving pet. Make sure that the pet is free from digestive disorders by choosing a proper diet. Pets such as dogs or cats have come through several transitions from being wild animals to friendly pets in our homes. They have successfully modified their habits in the wild to the domestic environment for peaceful coexistence with humans. 

However, one thing that remains unchanged is their eating habits. The sensitive stomach of the pooch is not able to digest complex carbs. Choose a gluten-free diet instead to boost digestion and health. 

Smart Bites™ is a sustainable option to enhance the effectiveness of a pet's training. It contains BacoMind® with fresh chicken and tapioca flour. BacoMind® improves memory, brain functions, and cognitive power. 

Joint care for active pets

The flexibility of joints is vital for active pets like dogs. Boost the development of joints and collagen by choosing delicious Mobility Bites™. These treats are easy to digest as these contain no grains and provide essential ingredients for strength and flexibility of the joints. Turmacin and collagen peptides in Mobility Bites™ offer functional benefits to strengthen joints and improve mobility. 

All-natural food ingredients in these treats provide faster absorption of the ingredients and help build strength and flexibility in your pets. These easily digestible chew sticks are suitable for all types of breeds. Try these treats to enrich the pet’s daily diet and enhance mobility. 

Build immunity with sustainable and delicious treats

Immunity is a buzzword, and every health-conscious individual knows how to take proactive steps to prevent infectious diseases. Unfortunately, our pet pals are unable to build their immunities. Most pet parents may miss out on this crucial aspect of wellness while planning a diet for their pets. Now you can offer your pets a delicious way to enhance immunity with an all-natural Immunity Bites™. 

The gluten-free treats are soft and yummy. Your pet will relish the functional treats that are easily digestible Bites as the unique all-natural ingredients boost immunity and enhance health. These sticks are free from grains and therefore suitable for dogs of all breeds. 

A grain-free pet diet to improve skin health

As a pet parent, you are very careful about your pet’s skin. You need to take extra care if you have a pet dog. Did you know that the diet plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin’s health? Always prefer a grain-free diet for the pet to improve consumption of omega fatty acids. 

These ingredients make the pet’s skin shiner and softer. Go for Derma Bites™, a gluten-free treat for your furry fellow that maintains its coat and improves hair growth. This sustainable and all-natural diet option offers vitamin B7, flax seeds, aloe vera, curcumin, and chia seeds and enhances the skin wellness of your pet. 

Natural wound healing spray for pets

Cuts and wounds are usual in playful pets, and using a topical product with potent chemicals may not be a safe option. Pets have a natural tendency of licking wounds, and as a caring pet parent, you need to choose a natural and safe wound healing product. Topicure™ is an all-natural herbal liquid spray for rapid healing of wounds. 

It is suitable for all types of cuts and wounds like maggot wounds, lacerations, and chronic wounds. Topicure™ has a lick-safe formula and can resist flies and other insects like maggots. It offers ease of application. The sustainable and eco-friendly wound healing spray contains no gas propellant.   

A single-ingredient strength enhancer for joints

Pets can suffer from weak joints that can cause limping or stiffness in joints. It will restrict their activities and affect their overall health. Orthoron™ is a natural supplement containing real chicken liver as a single ingredient. 

Feeding Orthoron™ to your pet is very easy because it comes as an edible paste and palatable tablet. Orthoron™ paste is safe for use as it contains organic ingredients. Joint stiffness and other joint problems like limping are chronic conditions. Orthoron is safe for long-term use to bring lasting relief to your pet.

Aid digestion naturally 

Digestive disturbances such as the leaky gut or loose stools are common in most canine breeds. Try the following sustainable options to aid digestion. These are safer alternatives to synthetically formulated supplements that may harm your loving pet because of side effects.

  • All-natural Digestive Bites™ boost digestive power and help your pet grow with no hassles. The safe and healthy formula of Digestive Bites™ promotes digestion and aids absorption of essential nutrients for sound health. The grain-free composition of these treats also helps prevent food allergies. 
  • Vet-approved all-natural Natgut™ is an effective digestive supplement in easy to swallow and palatable tablet form. It helps prevent digestive disturbances and is safe for long-term use. Natgut™ contains fresh chicken liver and is suitable for all canine and feline breeds of all ages. 

All-natural hair care for pets

A sustainable and safe shampoo for your pet can be a great addition to your pet care essentials. Lush Me Up™ is a shampoo that cleans the silky coat of your pet and prevents hair fall. It comprises all-natural ingredients for gentle action. The Ayurvedic formulation causes no allergies and is safe for all breeds of canine and feline pets. 


There is a fascinating array of sustainable pet care products to help you contribute to the environment. These all-natural pet care products are not only helpful but are also safe for your loving pets. There are several unique advantages of natural pet care products. All pet parents treat their pets as members of the family. Choose sustainable pet care to become a proud environment-friendly family.

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